
Jian Guo Xu


1985-87 M.F.A Bard College, Red Hook, NY. Received scholarships and fellowships
1984-85 Art Student League of New York
1976 B.A Shanghai Academy of Theater, Shanghai, China. Received scholarships
1961-1966 Ye Zhihao Studio, Shanghai, China. Studied Fine Arts. Received scholarships


2012 – 2013 Traveling to Egypt, Jordan, Syria to study early civilization of Middle East
2006 – 2012 Study Prehistory of Chinese Culture and early Chinese art in Westside of China, the Silk Road in side of China
1998 – 2010 Study and create the cityscape on silk in the Song manner
1997 (Nov.-Dec.) Studied in Beijing: The New Archaeological Discoveries
1997 (July-Sept.) Studied in Chengdu: Multi-style of Tibetan Tanka and its Chinese art influences (i.e. composition and landscape); Studied Shanghai Art Museum’s porcelain and painting collection
1995 (April-May) Studied in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province: Southern Song Guan ware sites.
1994 (April-May) Singapore: Studied bronzes from the tomb of Yi, Marquis of Zeng, Warring period
1994 (Oct.-Sept.) Shanghai: Organized show for German artist Siegward Sprotte at Shanghai Fine Art Museum; wrote essay for the show Ba Da Shan Ren of the West
1991 (June-Sept.) Xian, Beijing, Sichuan, Guangzhou: study arts and sites


2012 Traveling to Greek and Italy for the early civilization of western
2004 (Spring) Studied in Berlin, Germany
2003 (Summer) Studied in East Europe and travel in Europe for 11 cities
1999 (Autumn) Traveling and studied art in Munich, Germany and Amsterdam, Netherlands
1998 (Spring) Studied in Madrid, Barcelona, Spain
1997 (Spring) Studied in Paris, France
1997 (Autumn) Travelled and studied in Paris of France and Zurich of Switzerland
1996 (Spring) Studied in Rome and Florence, Italy
1996 (Autumn) Studied in Paris, France


2018 Chinese Ink Painting: The Past and The Future: A Study of Humanity, Alisan Fine Art, Hong Kong
2018 Meet the Parallel, sponsored by U.S Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau in cooperation with Alisan Fine Arts
2015 Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, sponsored by U.S Embassy of Guangzhou, Guangzhou Garden Hotel
2015 The Pattern of the Visual Thinking & Integration of Eastern and Western Culture, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
2014 The Creative Process and the Study of the Spirit, Beijing American Center, U.S Embassy Beijing (Art DNA Forum 2)
2014 Visual Thinking – The Creation of the Harmony, UCCA, Beijing (Art DNA Forum 1)
2013 Lecture sponsored by the U.S Embassy, China Ren Min University, Beijing, China
2013 Lecture sponsored by the U.S Embassy, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
2013 “Meet The Artist” – art education program sponsored by the U.S Embassy, National Museum of China, Beijing, China
2013 Lecture, Ji Nan University, Guangzhou, China
2012 Lecture, EMG art museum, Guangzhou, China
2012 Lecture, Guangzhou Thoughts Salon, Guangzhou museum 2012 Lecture, U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou
2012 Lecture, Pudong Development Bank, Guangzhou branch
2012 Speech, Culture Section of U.S Consulate General in Guangzhou
2011 Speech, Shanghai art museum (sponsored by U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai)
2011 Seminar, Shanghai Artists Associations, Shanghai Museum of Art 2010 Lecture, Royal Asiatic Society (Shanghai)
2010 Lecture, China Central Academy of Arts, Beijing
2010 Lecture, People’s University Art Academy, Beijing
2010 Symposium on future of Chinese Landscape Painting; with participation by Chinese Artists and Critics, Capital Museum, Beijing
2008 Speech at the annual symposium for the survivors in the second world war organized by American Jewish Association
2007 Invited to attend art acclamation activity of “Potsdam 2010”, Germany
2005 Lecture, Shanghai Academy of Theatre
Exhibition Essay for German Artist Siegward Sprotte in Shanghai Art Museum – Ba Da Shan Ren of The West in English and Chinese
1990 National Arts League N.Y.C.
1987 On the Roster of Resident Artist at The New York foundation of Arts
1987 National Museum of Architecture, Washington DC
1987 Canton County Teachers Association
1986 St. Louis Community College, St, Louis, MO
1986 School of The Ozark Lookout Point, MO
1985 China Institute of America N.Y.C.
1985 University of Colorado, Greeley, MO
1985 Evangel College Springfield, MO


2023 ART021, presented by Alisan Fine Arts, Shanghai

2023 Painting on view at Song: The Golden Era of Chinese Aesthetics, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, United States

2019 Art Basel, presented by Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong
2018 ART021, presented by Alisan Fine Arts, Shanghai
2017 ART021, presented by Alisan Fine Arts, Shanghai
2016 Art Basel, presented by Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong
2015 Xu Jianguo: Reconstructing New Shanghai (ink version 1) invited to participate “2015 Sotheby’s Auction: Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art”, Beijing
2015 Xu Jianguo: A New Vista of Shanghai on view at “STA Phenomenon-Inspiration and Development”, 70th alumni by Shanghai Theatre Academy, the Long Museum, Shanghai
2015 Xu Jianguo: Morning Waves on the Thames on view at Asian Art in London (presented by Kaikodo Gallery), London
2015 Specially invited to display at Asian Pacific Network Week & Gala, Guangzhou Garden Hotel (sponsored by U.S embassy of Guangzhou)
2015 Arts in Spring, Specially invited to display at Guangzhou Library (sponsored by Guangzhou Cultural Affairs Bureau), Guangzhou
2014 Integration: Joint Exhibition of Xu Jianguo and Ju Yan, EMGdotArt, Guangzhou
2014 Xu Jianguo: Metropolis Reimagined – A Selling Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Paintings, Sotheby’s, Hong Kong
2013 Beyond Contemporary: The 50 Years’ Artistic Vision of Jian Guo Xu, National Museum of China, Beijing, China (Rotating exhibit sponsored by US Missions in China)
2012 Beyond Contemporary: The Artistic Vision of Jian Guo Xu, China Guangdong, Guangzhou Museum, China (Rotating exhibit sponsored by US Missions in China)
2011 Beyond Contemporary: The Artistic Vision of Jian Guo Xu, China Shanghai, Shanghai Art Museum, China (Rotating exhibit sponsored by US Missions in China)
2010 Beyond Contemporary: The Artistic Vision of Jian Guo Xu China Beijing, Capital museum, China (Rotating exhibit sponsored by US Missions in China)
2010 Special display at state guest hall in the theme pavilion in Shanghai Expo
2009 Hangzhou Art Fair, China
2006 One man show, The Gallery at the Ann Felton Multicultural Center, Onondaga Community College Syracuse, NY
1995 Artexpo, Hong Kong, presented by Forum Gallery, NY
1995 Christie’s Auction House, Hong Kong
1995 Christie’s Auction House, Taiwan
1992 Christie’s Auction House, Hong Kong
1991 Hamilton College. Clinton, NY.
1991 Smithtown Township Arts Council, NY.
1991 Baruch College. New York City
1988 Cambridge University. London (Group Show)
1987 Sarah Lawrence College Art Gallery, Bronxville, NY.
1986 Maison Alcoa House. Montreal, Canada
1986 East End Arts Humanities Council. Riverhead, NY.
1986 Islip Art Museum. Long Island, NY.
1986 School of the Ozark. Lookout Point, MO.(One man show)
1985 Evangel College. Springfield, MO. (One man show)
1985 Creative art Center Greeley, Colorado. (One man show)
1983 Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, New York Chinese Dreams
1982 Boston City Hall Gallery Boston, MA. Chinese Dreams
1982 Smith College. Boston, MA. Chinese Dreams
1982 Boston Museum College. Boston, MA. Chinese Dreams
1981 Shanghai People’s Park Gallery. Shanghai, China
1980 Shanghai Art Gallery. Shanghai, China


2018 Solo show “Xu Jianguo: Poetic Cityscapes”, Alisan Fine Arts, Hong Kong
2016 Twenty Years of Contemporary Ink Art at Kaikodo, Group Show, Kaikodo Gallery, New York
2014 “Xu Jianguo: Metropolis Reimagined – A Selling Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Paintings”, Sotheby’s, Hong Kong
2007 Reece gallery, N.Y.C. (one man show)
2005 Reece gallery, N.Y.C. (Asia artist show)
1998 Reece Gallery, N.Y.C. (one man show)
1994 Reece Gallery, N.Y.C. (one man show)
1993 Reece Gallery, N.Y.C. (one man show)
1993 West Harbour Gallery LTD. NY. (Three men show)
1993 New Trends Gallery, Taiwan
1993 Art Expo Miami, Miami
1993 Falkenstern Fine Art, Madeira/Portugal
1992 Vincent’s Obsession Gallery, Boston (Two men show)
1992 Art Export Argentina
1991 Reece Gallery N.Y.C. (Group show)
1991 Carolyn Hill Gallery Soho, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1990 Carolyn Hill Gallery Soho, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1989 The Gallery at Lincoln Center, N.Y.C. (Group show)
1989 Elaine Benson Gallery, New York (Group show)
1989 Carolyn Hill Gallery Soho, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1988 Reece Gallery, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1987 Carolyn Hill Gallery Soho, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1986 Reece Gallery, N.Y.C. (Two men show)
1986 Carolyn Hill Gallery Soho, N.Y.C. (Feature show)
1986 Elaine Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, L.I.N.Y.
1986 B & B America, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1986 182 Hudson Street Gallery, N.Y.C. (One man show)
1983 Hamunquist Gallery, N.Y.C. (Group show)

Articles, Reviews, Interviews on TV

2018  Journal of Literature and Art, Voice

2016  ORIENTATIONS , C2 Magazine (Macau), Environment Economics Magazine

2015  Exclusive Interview from book “Interview with 40 Masters of Arts & Culture“ by Mrs. Min Jie

2015  Exclusive Interview by magazine Collection and Auction 

2014  Asia Pacific Daily, China Daily, Xin Hua News, China News, Art Daily, Sotheby’s, Artron, 99 Art News, Hong Kong ON.CC, Ta Kung Pao , Ywen China, Sina,, 163 News, 1Shoucang, China Art News

2013  Exclusive Interview – CCTV English Channel

2013  Selected Exclusive Reports on newspapers and magazine: Xinhua News, China Daily, China Radio International, Times-Weekly, Dianshi Bao, China News, Hai Wai News, People News, Ifeng News, Beijing Evening News, Beijing Daily News, Artron, Investment&Finance

2013  Wall Street, Special Feature “Asian connection in home, Garden”

2013  CCTV international channel “global Chinese greetings for spring festival” special program

2012  Reports and Interview on TV: English Channel at Guangdong Television, Southern Metropolis Daily, China News, Ifeng, Arton, U.S Consulate General in Guangzhou

2012  The landscape of metropolis in the eye of the Chinese American artist: “the pace of the development is faster than that of my brush”, Southern Metropolis Daily

2010  Exclusive interview at “Chinese World” CCTV international channel

2010  Exclusive interview at “Time with the famous” Shanghai TV Television

2010  Reports on magazine and newspaper: Life Style, Orientations, Shanghai Daily, City Weekend, ArtLinkart, Artslant, Easthong, China Daily, Elle China

2010  Reports on famous website: Beijing Arting365, Art-ba-ba, official website of U.S. Consulate General in China, State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, U.S Consulate General in Shanghai, Shanghai Television, China news, Wenhui website, China Theatre website, Artron, Capital Museum website, Soho, Xinmin website, Artlink, Haoxi website, Sina,Eastern Vision, Ifeng, Enet etc

2010  World Cultural Magazine “Jian Guo Xu and his art”

2009  Exclusive interview “Contemporary Art” at Zhejiang Television

2007  <The secret garden>–Special feature in “The Modern Estate  Magazine”

1991  New York Times: “Chinese Emigres Influences”, Exhibition reviews, NY

1991  Newsday: “In the West: The Eastern Perspective”, Exhibition review, NY

1991  Art Times: “immigrant Artists From China”, Article, NY

1991  Changing Cultures: Immigrant Artists From China Exhibition catalogue, Baruch College, NY

1989  Press Release/City Center News: New York City

1990  Art Speak: “The Dynamic visions of Jian-Guo Xu”, Exhibition review, NY

1990  Little Neck Ledger: “New York Through The Eyes of China” Article, NY

1990  Art Speak: “The Universal Language of Jian-Guo Xu” Exhibition reviews, NY

1987  Poughkeepsie: Powerhouse Ends, report, NY

1987  Art Speak: “Xu’s Summation is A Big Chunk” Gallery reviews, NY

1987  The New York Times: “13 Chinese Artists, Recent Arrivals All, At Sarah Lawrence”  eExhibition review, NY

1987  New Yorker Magazine: Talk On The Town. Article, NY

1987  Press Release/ National Mental Health Association: Virginia

1987  Artists From China-New Expression: Exhibition catalogue, Sarah Lawrence College,Bronxville, NY

1987  Apollo Magazine: “China’s Cultural Renaissance”, Article, London

1978  The New Chinese Painting 1949-1986: Harry N Abrams Inc. NY

1986  Newsday: “A mélange Held Together By Quality” exhibition review, NY

1986  Art speak: “Jian-Guo Xu: The Great Leap Forward of Chines” Gallery review. NY. Vol IX

1986  East End Arts News: Look East Exhibition. Published by East End Arts Humanities Council, NY. Vol.13

1986  Art Speak: “Two in Harmony” reviews, NY

1986  Press Release/ Maison Alcoa House: Montreal, Canada

1986  News Leader: “The Best of Both Cultures”, Article, MO

1985  The Greely Daily Tribune: Chinese Artist Rooted in The Abstract Form. Article, Co

1982  Painting the Chinese Dream/Exhibition catalogue: Smith College Museum of Art, MA

1982  Dialogue Magazine: Publish by the Voice of America


2014 Artistic Consultant at Shanghai Private Bank, Bank of China
2013 Guest Professor at Ji Nan University
2010 Received the prize of honor on art communication between China and America by the U.S State Department
2004-2010 Design and supervise the largest private eastern scholar garden in New York
1984-1985 Art designer at M&M designer studio
1985 Calligraphy commissioned for IBM Magazine
1984 Received the fellowship and scholarship from Bard College for whole Master of Fine Arts program
1976-1984 Stage Designer at the Shanghai Opera House